Easy Crepes

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Happy Mother’s Day!  I am super excited to be hosting this week’s Mother’s Day event!   Especially since Sunday Supper was always a time my family came together with my mom making a home cooked meal and my family talking about our week.  It was a time none of us ever missed, no swimming or soccer practices, and just time with the family.

Delicate crepes stuffed with Homemade Peach Jam and topped with blueberries

I had a hard time deciding what to make this week.  I wanted to make something that my mom really loves but many of those recipes are already on my blog.  I went through some of my recipe books and couldn’t find anything.  I then started looking through my recipe card boxes and as I was flipping through I spotted it.  My recipe for crepes.

A little background on these crepes.  I took Home Economics cooking classes for several years in junior high and high school and loved it.  I used many of the recipes at home to cook for my family.

This crepe recipe came from my 10th grade Home Ec. class and it was one of my mom’s favorites.  In fact, she still asks me to make crepes for her every once in a while and this recipe is from more then 15 years ago!

I didn’t change the crepe recipe at all.  Why change something that works?  I did change the filling though.  As a teenager I always filled the crepes with pie filling and then topped them with Cool Whip.

This time I used my homemade peach jam filling, topped it off with vanilla Cool Whip, and then sprinkled them with berries.  While my mother wasn’t here when I made them, I can’t wait to make them for her the next time I’m home!  I know she’s going to love them, especially with my homemade jam.

Crepes (recipe from my 10th grade Home Economics teacher at North Hills High School)
1 1/2 c. flour
1 T. sugar
1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt
2 c. low fat milk
2 T. butter, melted
1 t. vanilla
2 eggs

For the filling and toppings:
3/4 c. homemade peach jam
1 c. fresh blueberries
1 c. vanilla Cool Whip  

1.  In a large bowl combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.

2.  Stir in the milk, butter, vanilla, and eggs.  Beat for 1 minute or until smooth.

3.  Heat an 8 inch skillet over medium heat.  Spray with cooking spray.

4.  To make each crepe, pour 1/4 cup of batter into the skillet and immediately rotate the skillet until a thin layer of the batter covers the bottom.

5.  Cook until bubbles begin to form and the outer edges turn golden brown.  Flip the crepe over and continue cooking on the other side until it is brown as well.  Remove from the pan and place on a plate.

6.  Repeat with remaining crepes, placing a sheet of waxed paper in between each crepe when stacking.

7.  When ready to eat, spread 1-2 tablespoons of jam on one side of the crepe.  Roll up the crepe, place on a plate, spoon Cool Whip on top of the crepe, and sprinkle with blueberries.  Enjoy!

Crepes filled with homemade peach jam and topped with blueberries from Hezzi-D's Books and Cooks


  1. Making crepes is so much fun! My husband and I made them awhile back, and we found out that making crepes was his secret talent 🙂 Your peach jam looks so good – I’ll have to try that next time we make our crepes!

  2. Thanks for being such a fabulous host this week, Heather! There is so much to love about your post – crepes (yum!), the fact that this recipe is from your high school home ec class (a true classic) and that your mom still requests them to this day. Your crepes look amazing. I made them once at a cooking class a year ago and they were a disaster – they kept ripping every time I tried flipping them. I’ll just leave crepe making to the experts, like yourself 😉

  3. Gorgeous looking crepes and the blueberry peach combo sounds divine!These would disappear in no time in our house 🙂

  4. Love the blueberry peach combo and I enjoyed your post thinking way back to home ec. class. My daughter will be starting those classes soon and I am looking forward to living through her vicariously.

  5. I love crepes! I taught a class on them a couple of years ago, and it was so fun for us all to experiment with different fillings and rolling techniques. This was a great choice – they look beautiful!

  6. Such a beautiful dish, Heather! Crepes are so perfect ad your Mom is one lucky woman!

    Thank you so much for hosting this great event today! ~ Bea @ The Not So Cheesy Kitcheb

  7. I really do need to tackle making crepes. I don’t know why I haven’t made any so far. Yours looks so good and I’m wishing I had those for breakfast right now.

  8. Your crepes look amazing, Heather. My mom taught us to make crepes when we were kids…I remember swirling the pan with my sisters. Gosh, it’s a miracle none of us got burned…LOL. Thanks so much for hosting us this week…and bringing back some lovely memories. xo

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